Tuesday 3 September 2013

Trade with Ladylockslife Part 1

I use instagram a lot. I find it's a better forum for personal work (despite the copyright and 3rd party issues that arose earlier this year) But also I've found some absolutely amazing creative people to follow. Some really talented bastards. It's really inspirational. I follow quite a few curio/wuderkammer, Taxidermy and entomology instagram accounts. Usually a lot of curio jewellery designers who not only make wonderful jewels but really make the effort to tell their followers about the methods they used to make their jewellery and just general information about their topic of interest. I find that it's a completely different picture sharing site, things tend not to get lost like on tumblr. I haven't started using pinterest yet, but I'm sure I'll be all over that like a rash soon enough. Anyway, I follow a lady called Annie Loucks, of Ladylocks creations and heres her instagram account. She makes some really gorgeous jewellery so I proposed a trade. Here is part one. A little a5 graphite/micron and gold leaf illustration. I'm thinking about doing a bit of a fancy wax seal on it, but might just leave that for the envelope. Also a little preview of my ever expanding personal collection of pretties.

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